The Peppermint Tree
Lou Carbone

Hey, I’m Lou!
Welcome to The Peppermint Tree, a space where busy women can find balance and vitality so that they can wake feeling energised and positive about themselves every single day.
As a busy mum, my life has been full of challenges! I am one of those people who always tries to cram 3 days into one because I want the best for my family, myself and my clients.
As well as having my own business and I love to fill my spare time with CrossFit, gardening, reading, going to the beach, cooking good food, craft and spending time with my son and daughters.
When I began menopause it came on in all it's glory along with sleepless nights, hot flushes, weight gain and even frozen shoulder!
During this time my youngest daughter, then 13, had a shocking reaction to physio tape and was admitted to hospital with blisters the size of mangoes on each of her feet!
Thankfully, she was treated by the he brilliant Professor Fiona Woods and not long after, her feet were as good as new.
As a result of this unusually shocking reaction to physio tape we were subsequently referred to an Immunologist. After thorough testing his advice to us was to avoid synthetic chemicals, in particular those in cleaning and personal care products. He explained that my daughter, at the young age of just 13 had a toxin overload and her body had become sensitive to the synthetic chemicals found in our foods, personal care and cleaning products.
This was a big shock to us!
Of course my daughter's health came first so my frozen shoulder, hot flushes and sleepless nights were put on the back burner and I devoted my time to countless hours scanning labels in health food shops, chemists and supermarkets in an endeavour to find safer products for Grace and the rest of the family
During this time I learnt about “green washing” and inaccurate and unfair labelling laws I discovered useful Apps and websites that identify potentially harmful ingredients, including hormone disruptors in common everyday products
I learnt that Australian regulatory bodies and manufacturing companies have little
to no consideration for the potential side effects of many of the ingredients in their products and that over 1100 chemicals commonly used in Australia are banned overseas
Amazingly, in my quest to find low-tox products for Grace, I came to understand that many common everyday products including cosmetics, skincare cleaning products, hair care and candles contain hormone disrupting chemicals and BINGO! Thanks to Grace's feet I also began to uncover answers to my menopausal challenges!
Always look for the silver lining I say!
My family was fortunate to have had guidance and advice from an amazing support group of friends and professionals
We now have a beautiful “toolbox” to support our health, we use clean products in our home and my menopausal symptoms have subsided. I realise however, that this is not the case for everybody.
Hence, it is my passion to help other women to achieve their health and wellness goals and to navigate the challenges of peri-menopause and menopause
I have studied with the IIN to gain my certification as both a Health Coach and a Hormone Health Coach
Through my learning I have observed that
It is often "acceptable" for women to experience painful and troublesome periods
Peri - menopause and menopause bring with them many challenges for which modern medicine often doesn't have the answers for
Many women suffer from seemingly unexplainable weight gain during this time of their life
Quality sleep seems to be elusive for many
Stress and anxiety are rife
Nutrition is often overlooked because it is either too overwhelming or the family is simply too busy
Through my coaching programs I guide women to make small but sustainable changes so they too can live their best possible life.
If your dream is to
have easier, pain free cycles
have satisfying, restful sleep
know what and when to eat
feel unburdened
shift stubborn and unwanted weight
wake feeling energised and positive every single day
Reach out and book a free 15 minute wellness call or head back to the top of my page to discover which coaching program is right for you.