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Bali Retreat
May 2024

So what do we do on Retreat?

As much as I would love to divulge all to you right now, I'm not going to!

Like me, you are most probably the one who plans ALL the things on the home front - am I right?

Well this one is on me, you can sit back and relax because I have planned the most delightful, the most indulgent, the most amazing time for you and I believe that it is more fun to let it all unfold as it should - in the present time!

So whilst the intricacies will be withheld until we are on Retreat, here is a broad outline:


Day 1
On arrival in Denpasar, our retreat driver will bring you safely to our beautiful accommodation. It's roughly a 2 hour car ride from the airport, depending on traffic and the time of day you arrive.
If you choose to arrive in your chosen destination before our Retreat officially begins please correspond with me well in advance so that I can make alternative transfer arrangements for you.

We start with an official welcome circle late afternoon of Day 1 so we can get to know each other and explore what you want to get out of the Retreat. I will pre-book a beautiful, traditional Balinese "warung" or restaurant, for an early dinner so that we can relax and feel refreshed for the next day.

Days 2 - 6
Our accommodation includes breakfast, which you can enjoy at your own pace before we begin each day. Each day will begin with a relaxing breath work practice followed by a reflection and intention circle. This provides a space to contemplate the previous day(s) and set positive intentions for the present day. There will be time to share any physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional experiences that may have arisen for you. . Rest assured, you'll be embraced by love and graciousness throughout.

Our circle is followed by our first workshop or outing for the day.

The nature of the outing will determine whether it is best to be a morning or an afternoon outing.

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Our workshops:

I am not sure if "work"shop is the right term because my intention is most definitely not to to provide you with "work"! I'll just go with it for now, until I come up with a more suitable word!

There are two recurring themes for our workshops; one is "re-connection" and the other, "living cyclically." Further focus points will include:

  • Re-connection with your innate wisdom

  • Re-connection with your emotions, feelings, desires, needs, wants at this stage in your life.

  • Understanding the nature of cyclical living and how it impacts our energy, our moods, our motivation, our physicality, our resilience and our joyfulness.

As busy women faced with an abundance of, often conflicting influences, we sometimes lose connection with our soul ,with what it is that we truly need to feel complete and joyful.

My intention for you is to reconnect with that soul.

Our outings:
I have personally experienced all of our outings so that I could lean into how they will nourish you physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually.

Because the gifting of treats and surprises is one of my love languages, I won't be sharing the details until we are on Retreat!  By the end of the Retreat, however, I promise that you will feel pampered, renewed, invigorated, reconnected with your inner wisdom and nourished both physically and emotionally.

I have so many treats in store for you!

I have complete faith in the venues and third party facilitators that I have chosen because your wellbeing and your pleasure is of the utmost importance.

Day 6

Evening of our final full day of Retreat:

This will be a fun evening immersed in Balinese culture and food!

Day 7:

Final session
Our final workshop will be one of integration. After all, we want to be able to take all the goodness, wisdom, inspiration and friendships home with us integrating them into our daily lives in order that we continue to feel nourished and complete.


Traveling home:
We officially finish late morning on the final day.  Should you wish, you will be able to have lunch at the resort prior to departing in your pre-arranged transport to the airport.  If you choose to stay longer in Bali please communicate this with me so that I can arrange appropriate transfers for you. 



As previously mentioned, breakfasts are included.

Two dinners are also included, however all other meals are at your own expense

I have personally selected and booked some "warungs" for our group dinners or lunches and you will also have the opportunity to explore and choose your own on some occasions.

Rest assured, eating out in Bali is very inexpensive.  Some of the best meals I have had have cost me just $9.50AUD!


Your time:

Whilst I expect you to be a treasured part of all our outings and workshops there will also be time just for you.  I truly respect that we all need our own space at times and hence will plan for such opportunities throughout the course of the retreat.

I am holding space for just 6 beautiful women so if this retreat is calling to you please click on the pink button below

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