The Peppermint Tree
Acerca de
Possibly the most disregarded and misunderstood chapter in a woman's life
Yet, it is a period of years, that can literally determine whether she lives a life brimming with vitality and freedom from pain or a life of ongoing health challenges

Often the challenges of perimenopause and beyond are dismissed as being "normal for your age" or simply "something you will have to get used to"😳
I call "bullshit"!
Do YOU experience any of these symptoms?👇
Do YOU want to avoid these symptoms?👇
🌻Irregular periods which may also be heavier, longer or shorter than they used to be.
🌻Changes in body shape and weight that are seemingly unexplained.
🌻Feelings of anxiousness and excessive worry.
🌻Un-refreshing or disrupted sleep patterns.
🌻The onset of hot flushes and/or night sweats.
🌻Diminished clarity of thought
🌻Increasing forgetfulness
🌻Increasing cellulite
🌻Sore joints
🌻Increasing cholesterol
🌻Gall bladder issues
🌻Lower back pain
Then register for my life-changing masterclass here👇
Perimenopause and Beyond MasterClass
Monday February 27th @ 5:00pm
All registrants will receive the replay and accompanying notes following the live online event