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Your Hormone Quiz Result

Thank you for taking the time to complete the hormone quiz. 


Based on your quiz results you may be experiencing low progesterone


Based on your quiz results you may be experiencing low progesterone.

Progesterone is our "feel good" hormone, sometimes referred to as "nature's valium"


Low progesterone may manifest in several different ways including:

🌻Feelings of anxiousness and excessive worry.

🌻Changes in body shape and weight that are seemingly unexplained.

🌻Unrefreshing or disrupted sleep patterns.



Often these symptoms, and others, are dismissed as being "normal for your age" or "simply a result of having a busy life and something you will have to get used to"!


But no, my friend, these symptoms should not be treated as "normal" or worse still, simply dismissed!


I have some tips to share with you and a couple of additional emails to send that include useful information to expand your understanding. The information above is included in the first email I will send you so no need to save or copy this.


All you need to do is to add your name and email address to the form below. 

Please send me more information about my hormone quiz result

Thanks for sharing your details. Look for an email from

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