The Peppermint Tree
Hi I’m Lou, a certified Health and Hormone Coach.
Like you, I’m sure, my family and I have benefitted immensely from the amazing products that Young Living has to offer.
Health is a multi - facetted journey with a lot of learning along the way and should you be overwhelmed or confused maybe I can help
My Story
My story started a few years ago when menopause arrived in all it's glory, along with sleepless nights, hot flushes and even a frozen shoulder!
At about the same time my youngest daughter was diagnosed with PCOS and a genetic intolerance to synthetic fragrances
And to top it all off, each month at the start of her cycle, my other daughter would be curled up on the kitchen floor in agony and not a nice person to speak to at all!
With extensive changes to our nutrition, the elimination of many hormone disrupting chemicals in our home and the introduction of quality supplements and essential oils and I am happy to say that things are now much improved!
It was with deep disappointment and frustration that I realised that conventional medicine had no answers for us
In searching for answers my daughters and I often felt unheard, dismissed and disregarded
My frustration was such that I was determined that I never wanted other women to experience this same level of frustration and dismissal that my daughters and I did.
So, a few years forward and I am a certified Health and Hormone Coach with a passion for empowering other women with knowledge and tools they can effortlessly integrate into their busy lives so that they can experience hormonal harmony, vitality and wellness.
My coaching reflects that:
Women are cyclical beings and by observing their natural rhythms they can enjoy greater energy, better sleep, a weight they are comfortable with, glowing skin and a sense of wisdom and empowerment.
Society has sadly accepted the myth that a woman's menstrual cycle is expected to be uncomfortable and troublesome.
Women are often disregarded and unheard by medical practitioners
Peri - menopause and menopause bring with them many challenges for which modern medicine often doesn't have the answers for
Many women suffer from seemingly unexplainable weight gain that is largely due to hormonal dis-harmony
Quality sleep seems to be elusive for many
Stress and anxiety are rife
Nutrition is often overlooked because it is either too overwhelming or the family is simply too busy to attend to their nutritional needs.
How can I help you?
Book a Complimentary Wellness Chat to discuss your unique symptoms and challenges. Click on the button to book a time.
Functional Testing. Options include:
Saliva Test kit for hormones
Advanced DUTCH test for hormones
Comprehensive stool analysis
All test kits are delivered to your chosen address where you can provide samples in the privacy of your own home. Click on the button to learn more about each test.
Coaching Programs
Click on the button to discover how a coaching program can support your nutrition, your hormones, your energy, your sleep and overall vitality.
Free Download - click on the button to get some get tips about hormonal harmony!
As a Young Living Member you are eligible for a 10% discount off all my coaching programs
Use this code at checkout for your YL discount!
For inspiration and handy tips for feeling vibrant and well come join me on Instagram
Or email me here