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There Was a Magical Shift!


When I began to integrate the rhythm of the natural cycles that impact me on a daily basis .... magic happened!


My work became more productive

I gained a deeper understanding of my emotions

I allowed myself to rest without guilt

I accepted myself on a deeper level

I respected my energy

It all made sense.......

As women, our bodies and emotions naturally ebb and flow in harmony with the rhythms of nature, our menstrual cycles and the phases of the moon.

To our own detriment, amidst the busy-ness of our lives, we often neglect to listen to the rhythm of our own body and those of mother earth, instead pushing through life and living by the linear, constant-productivity of the male world.

Understanding the benefits of integrating your work and your personal life with your cycle and those of nature, offers you a deeper understanding of your energy levels, your moods and your physical needs. Everything begins to make sense! It's like magic has happened and life begins to flow with greater ease.


 To uncover the magic of integrated your cycle and those of nature I invite you to listen to the recording of my recent Mistress Class🦋

Click on the button below to enter the Peppermint Tree Hub where you will be able to access the "Cycle With Your Cycle" Mistress Class recording.

If you are not yet a member of this free Hub simply register using your email address as both your username and password. You will find lots of free resources to explore and enjoy.

Happy Healthy Wishes Always

Lou 🌸

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