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Love my Adrenals Cocktail


With the abundance of citrus fruit right now I thought this would be a fun way to support your adrenal glands and hence, your hormones!

What’s in the adrenal cocktail?

1.Freshly squeezed citrus juice (eg orange, lemon, lime or grapefruit or a mixture). I have a pink grapefruit and a lime tree so I am using these right now

Why? Vitamin C is essential to the adrenal glands and the body's ability to cope with stress

2. Either coconut water or filtered water with a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt

Why? A pinch of sea salt containing many vital electrolytes can really boost your adrenals for an instant energy lift.

3.Coconut cream

Why? To help stabilise your blood sugar

4.Collagen powder or hemp protein powder

Why ? Again, for blood sugar stabilisation which works hand in hand with adrenal health


Ingredients: ½ cup freshly squeezed citrus juice of choice

½ cup coconut water or filtered water with a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt

1 TBSP hemp protein powder

TBSP coconut cream

Method Blend all ingredients together in a blender or food processor and enjoy!

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