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Why am I writing a Blog you might ask?


Well, several reasons....

Just like many mummas I’ve been busy for the last 20+ years running around after my kids and working in the family business but now I am exploring my passion and I just want to share it with you!

Ever since I was a teenager my passion has been health and wellness and I’ve had fun slowly but surely adding to my knowledge base. Just recently I studied for my Cert 4 in Physical Training and I completed my Level 1 in Aromatherapy, I have listened to many a speaker about nutrition and most of all, we have put a lot of this into practice in our own home (sometimes much to my kid’s annoyance!)

So why do I want to share this with you?

We have been down many a rabbit hole when it has come to personal health challenges in our home and to a large extent we have had to do our own research because the medical profession alone has not always had the answers. We’ve had to look further.

Do I rely on Dr Google? No!

We are fortunate to have many support people in our lives from naturopaths, kinesiologists, acupuncturists and even the odd professor or two!

A few years ago we found out that several of our family members have familial hyperlipidemia – a disorder that means your body doesn’t process fats in the normal way.

We also had a fright when my then 17 year old daughter ended up in hospital 3 weeks before her ATAR exams with pancreatitis – normally caused by excessive consumption of alcohol but in her case as a result of the birth control pill she was taking to regulate her periods and reduce her monthly pain. To compound all this my then 13 year old ended up with blisters on her feet the size of mangoes as a result of her feet being strapped with physio tape!

I’ve got to tell you that each of these incidents were pretty shocking at the time but I am forever grateful for what we have learnt from them. There is always a silver lining!

To cut a long story short my friends, these incidents catapulted me into a passion for educating other women about healthier ways to support hormonal balance and along with this, the importance of reducing the toxic load on our bodies

Am I an expert - no!

I am a “sharer” A sharer of what has worked for us and what we have learnt along the way from the professionals and from trial and error. I have had such an amazing journey the last few years and I guess I want to share this magic with you! So if you are…..

> A busy mumma who hasn’t got a lot of time or resources to do your own research

>Think you need to reduce the toxic gunk in your home but don’t really know why or how

>Want to join in our online or in person workshops

>Would like to have take a look at options that help reduce your period pain or maybe your hot flushes or other uncomfortable and possibly debilitating symptoms that come around monthly

Please reach out or simply follow along

Head straight to the "Contact" page and drop me an email!

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