This is how the hormone "progesterone" is often described
It is our calming hormone produced in the second half of the menstrual cycle, after ovulation occurs. I call progesterone the “calming, cooling hormone.” It’s like the “yin” to estrogen’s “yang”; both are important, and they work best when in balance with one another.
Ovulation is the key event that is required for optimal progesterone levels. After an egg is released from the follicle inside the ovary, the little structure that is left behind is called the corpus luteum. This structure is responsible for producing progesterone.
But what if I don't ovulate you may ask?
Well then our progesterone is solely produced by our adrenal glands so you want to hope that your adrenal glands are in tip top condition!
So why do we love Progesterone SO much?
Boosts energy by stimulating the thyroid and heating up metabolism.
Soothes mood and rescues sleep progesterone interacts directly with GABA receptors in the brain to promote deep, refreshing sleep.
Nourishes hair and clears skin by balancing out male hormones (androgens) The result is faster-growing hair, less skin oil (sebum), and fewer skin break-outs.
Lightens periods by counteracting estrogen’s stimulating effect on the uterine lining.
Reduces autoimmune disease because it modulates immune function, reduces inflammation, and up-regulates detoxification enzymes.
Builds bones and muscle by stimulating the growth of new muscle and bone-building cells
Protects against cancer by counteracting estrogen’s stimulating effect on breast and uterine tissue.
I wonder where my progesterone levels are at?
The symptoms below may giver you an indication - they are all signs that your progesterone levels possibly need a little attention!

Help! I think my progesterone is ⬇️
There are many lifestyle factors that can be addressed to nourish your body and so help elevate your progesterone levels
Here are just a few:
Sleep: a minimum of 7-8 hours a night is essential for hormone production and hormonal balance
Cholesterol: although it often gets a bad rap but cholesterol is the precursor to our sex hormones, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Include healthy amounts of foods such as avocados, nuts, salmon, olive oil, coconut milk and chia seeds in your diet
Stress: Elevated or constant perceived and actual stress plays havoc with our hormones. Practice deep- breathing regularly, go for walks in nature, meditate, deal with your stress triggers before they deal with you. Find time to actively relax DAILY.
Eliminate inflammatory foods such as trans-fats, gluten and dairy
Eliminate toxins hiding in your skincare and household cleaning products
Reduce caffeine and alcohol
Supplement: There are two types of supplements:
1.Those that are specifically designed to increase your progesterone levels and may be prescribed by a practitioner following a diagnostic test
2.Supplements which are more general in nature and help your body to address inflammation, stress response, detoxification and your adrenal glands and hence support your hormones
Examples are:
Vitamin B12 and B6
Vitamin C
EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids
Vitamin D3
Do you suspect low progesterone levels might be the root cause of some of your wellness challenges right now?
Are you sick of not knowing what to do or who to turn to?
Do you just wish you could feel better?
Book a free wellness chat here:
We will discuss your symptoms and begin to formulate your personalised plan for wellness.
Bonus recipe: "Love My Adrenals" cocktail, perfect for Winter
Happy Healthy Wishes Always,
Lou 🤗🌸🤗